He holds a special chair in Wetland Restoration Ecoloy at IBED, University of Amterdam. He defended his PhD study entitled ‘Ecological characterization of surface waters in the province of Overijssel (The Netherlands)’ in 1990 at the Wageningen Agricultural University. Verdonschot received his MSc in Biology (specialization populations/ecosystems) at the Wageningen Agricultural University in 1978. Verdonschot - Special chair Wetland Restoration Ecology Communities of phototrophic and heterotrophic species co-act in the process of stabilization and transformation of materials. Another key process - with important consequences for water clarity - is the partitioning of particles between the water phase and solid deposits. The sequestration of organic matter and nutrients in sediments - for example - is tightly bound to the activity of benthic organisms and a large variety of contaminants is being deposited and partly biologically degraded in sediments. Simultaneously, biota modifies also these processes through their activities and natural conditions are strongly modified by man-made perturbation. Individual organisms, populations of species and multi-trophic consortia depend on, interact with and adapt to a-biotic processes, such as diffusion of oxygen, and sedimentation of silt and detritus. This complexity arises from the multitude of biological, physical and chemical processes that sustain and modify benthic life formed by compact consortia of specialized micro-algae, bacteria and (burrowing) invertebrates. The mission of this research line is to understand the biocomplexity at the sediment water interface. van der Geest - Assistant Professor Benthic Ecoloy Environmental hazard and risk of PFAS (Xie, from October 2021).ĭr Harm G.Environmental fate, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of PFAS (Gkika, from September 2021).Life-cycle habitat requirements of lowland stream macroinvertebrates (Becker, from September 2020).Psychopharmaceutical Prevention & Pilots to Reduce Effects in the water cycle (Davey, from June 2020).Ecological key processes in water quality improvement (Schaub, from January 2019).Sediment purification and facilitation by benthic invertebrates (van der Meer, from October 2018).Chemical-ecological interactions at the sediment-water interface.Catchment wide ecological system analysis.Since 1992, this research line has generated 23 PhD theses (van der Lee, 2020 De Baat, 2020 de Brouwer 2020, Dos Reis Oliveira 2019 van Puijenbroek, 2019 Waaijers, 2014 Hunting, 2013 Loayza-Muro, 2013 Marinkovic, 2012 Oyoo-Okoth, 2012 Leon Paumen, 2009 Pieters, 2007 de Haas, 2004 Heugens, 2003 Leslie, 2003 Osano, 2002 Wiegman, 2002 van der Geest, 2001 Ivorra, 2000 Bleeker, 1999 Groenendijk, 1999 Stuijfzand, 1999 Kraak, 1992). Bridging ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry, the fate and effects of emerging compounds (N-heterocyclic PAC flame retardants) are studied. Experiments typically last for several generations and responses are determined at the gene level (ecotoxicogenomics genetic adaptation) up to the population and community level.

Why do some species persist under harsh conditions, where other species fail to maintain viable populations and get, at least locally, extinct? To answer this question benthic invertebrates are subjected to combinations of natural and man made stressors. To what extend this leads to changes in community composition and ecosystem functioning depends critically on the ability of each species to cope with a changing environment. Progressively increasing worldwide anthropogenic disturbances shift species to new environmentally defined boundaries. The mission of my research line (Aquatic Ecotoxicology) is to assess, monitor and predict the responses of benthic invertebrates to complex environmental changes. Aquatic Ecotoxicology (Department of Freshwater and Marine Ecology, IBED, UvA)