Our boosters will also aim to create the build you would like to achieve. Then they will go ahead and complete 22 runs of your highest challenge tier expeditions, these expeditions can drop legendary items and superior items at your highest possible level.
Trickster outriders build professional#
are you looking to start Trickster or looking at what build you should look to make for your current Trickster? Then this service is for you! Our professional Outriders boosters will log in and create a build with the items you currently have. Comboing powerful shotgun blasts while manoeuvring around can create a substantial pool for health and shield regeneration.The Trickster is one of the most deadly of the four main classes in Outriders, so my question is…. The Assassin is a good skill path to consider with the Trickster’s class traits. I found that Twisted Rounds - an already massive damage boost - seriously benefits from the Reaver skill tree. The Reaver skill tree is best for those that want to play around with abilities like Vanator’s Knife, Cyclone Slice, Twisted Rounds, or Temporal Blade. Given that the Trickster doesn’t deal in a type of environmental damage, it lacks in unique combinations. Outriders Trickster best skill builds and combinations Time Rift: Create a shockwave that suspends a large amount of enemies in the air, making them completely vulnerable for 3.5 seconds.It will bounce between a maximum of five surrounding foes, dealing damage and inflicting Slow (Level 17). Venator’s Knife: Choose a specific enemy and throw a Temporal knife.In a span of 28 seconds, activating the ability again will teleport you back to the originally marked spot (Level 13).
Trickster outriders build full#
Borrowed Time: Receive a full shield and mark that exact location.

There are eight abilities that you can unlock throughout the course of Outriders for the Trickster class. It foregoes the quick, nimble attacks for a more tanky build, bulking health and regeneration.